

Friday, 19 October 2018 02:33

Engineering bid guarantee

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One, project bid guarantee:
Provided by the guarantor to the tenderer, the tenderer shall, in accordance with the provisions of the tender documents, bid invitation to participate in the bid invitation documents, the Bidder withdraws the bid documents, or does not sign contracts for construction projects.
Two, guarantee way:
The way the bid security can be used:
Bank guarantee
Guarantee of professional Guarantee Corporation
Dingjin (bond) guarantee
The tenderer in the tender documents in the way
Three, guarantee situation:
1, the bidder shall not withdraw the bid within the validity period of the bid invitation documents;
2, the bidder in the tender validity of the tender notice issued by the tender, according to the provisions of the contract signed by the world;
3. The bidder shall submit the tender notice in the tender period, and submit the bid invitation documents.
Four, guarantee period:
The validity period of the bid security shall be stipulated in the contract. Ensure effective contract agreed deadline for bid validity after 30 to 180.
Five, general guarantee:
The amount of guarantee is generally 2% of the total bid price

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